Florida Attorneys – Florida Lawyers
The material and information on this website have been prepared for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Individuals should not act upon any information provided on this website and should seek the advice of legal counsel licensed in their state.
Delray Law, PLLC practices within the State of Florida. Rick Rubino is licensed in the State of Florida. This website is directed solely to those persons seeking information regarding claims based on Florida law. Please note that no action related to the transmission, reading, distribution, or submission of information by, from, or to this website, will create a contract for representation with Delray Law, PLLC. After you consult with the attorneys at Delray Law, PLLC, you can create a contract of representation by signing our contract of representation. This contract of representation explains the role of the lawyers at Delray Law, PLLC, and what is expected from the attorneys on y our behalf. This website is not an offer to provide you with legal representation.Delray Law PLLC is located at 238 N.E. 1st. Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444, Rick Rubino 561-455-0200.
The information that this website provides to you is subject to change without notice. We try to keep this website current and accurate, but since the law is constantly evolving, and new decisions and legislation pass on a constant basis, the information provided at this website may or may not reflect the most current legal developments.
Delray Law, PLLC attempts to respond to Intake Forms and other e-mail inquiries as promptly as possible.
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